Cardmarket Shop

Cardmarket Shop

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Visit Our Magic Cards Shop on cardmarket

Find all the cards you need for your next deck!

Our Cardmarket store got you covered:

  • You can find over 700,000 Magic: The Gathering singles

  • We stock over 350 different sealed products

  • We ship more than 3.500 orders a month

  • We ship to everywhere in Europe at great rates

  • We ship your orders, daily from Monday to Friday

More than 700,000 individual cards

Are you looking for MTG singles for your deck? Then our Cardmarket Shop is the right place for you! On the platform you will find our gigantic range of well over 700,000 Magic individual cards from all conceivable expansions, from A for Alpha to Z for Zendikar Rising.

Whether you want to buy a cheap common for your Standard deck, a dual land for your latest Commander deck or a Power Nine piece for your collection. We’ve got what you’re looking for!

Huge selection of boosters and displays

Magic the Gathering products at Three for One Trading in Vienna

In addition to Magic single cards, we of course also stock Magic the Gathering boosters and booster displays from almost the entire long history of Magic.

Whether you want to pre-order the latest MTG expansion, draft an old set with friends or put a box of your favorite expansion in your storage. There’s a good chance we have what you’re looking for in stock.

Accessories: Sleeves, Playmats, Tokens and more

As a Magic player, you will of course need various gaming accessories and not just cards.

We stock sleeves and playmats from well-known manufacturers like Dragon Shield and Gamegenic, but we also have our own 341 collection with playmats, lifepads, dice and exclusive tokens for you.