341 MODERN 1K Event Coverage

341 MODERN 1K Event Coverage

May 28, 2022

Author: Thomas Preyer

Saturday, May 28, 13:11

29 players came to compete in the fourth Modern 1K tournament. A long weekend had some of our regulars commited to other activities, so it seems. There’s still some fierce competition for the title and of course the store credit.

Metagame Breakdown

  • UR Murktide 7

  • Yawgmoth Combo 3

  • 4c Yorion 2

  • 4c Elementals 2

  • Dredge 2

  • Temur Rhinos 2

  • UWx Stoneblade 2

  • UWx Control 2

  • One each: Mill, Jund, Amulet Titan, Affinity, Rakdos Aggro, Grixis Shadow, Hardened Scales

The Top 8 are…

Top 8

  1. Silveira, Matheus (4C Yorion)

  2. Binder, Christian (Elementals)

  3. Kundegraber, Michael (Dredge)

  4. Kappler, Daniel (Hardened Scales)

  5. Steyrer, Felix

  6. Posoiu, Mircea Adrian

  7. Wölfler, Walter

  8. Savinskii, Vadim

And the Winners are…

Our top 4, that split their prizes, are:

  1. Matheus Silveira (4C Yorion)

  2. Christian Binder (Elementals)

  3. Michael Kundegraber (Dredge)

  4. Daniel Kappler (Hardened Scales)

Congratulations and see you next month for the Legacy 1K!

Final Standings

View the final standings here

Find out more about our regular events and special tournaments.

Top 4 – Decklists