One Piece

One Piece Card Game by Bandai

in stock from June 2023

General Information

ONE PIECE is a collectible card game from Bandai, which is thematically set in the world of the ONE PIECE manga. The game features characters from the entire ONE PIECE storyline. On the cards you’ll find different illustrations from anime, manga, movies, and even new illustrations created especially for the game.

Currently, two expansions have been released, and the third is scheduled for June 2023. We are looking forward to inviting you to the prerelease of Pillars of Strength!

Learn to Play


Good news! We will carry One Piece and the new Set 3, Pillars of Strenght, which will be released in June. In the meantime, you can find all available products in our webshop. Order them here.


Hibiki OPCG

Hibiki OPCG is run by Hibiki (Alex from our sale team) & Leijin (his girlfriend). They post regular videos of the One Piece Card Game! Their content includes gameplay videos, guides, tournament footage, livestreams, and pack/box openings.