Why is it called Three for One Trading?
How we got our name
At the 341CON in Graz we’ve been asked over and over again:
“Why are you guys called Three for One Trading?”
That’s indeed a very good question. Not only because we asked it in our sweepstakes at the event. Yes, a bunch of you knew the correct answer. Some of you had a feeling of where it might be coming from. Anyhow. Are you ready for the answer?
And the answer is…
Our company name is a reference to the five card 1 mana circle of Magic cards that were first printed back in Alpha. We are sure you can name the five, but here they are:
Healing Salve, Ancestral Recall, Dark Ritual, Lightning Bolt and Giant Growth
All of them, when played, give you three of something for just one mana. That’s what one would call a good deal. Admittedly, some, like Ancestral Recall, give you a much better deal than let’s say Healing Salve.
The Philosophy Behind The Name
Our name reflects on how we want to be and be seen as a MTG retailer. Someone where one can get a good deal. And a good experience. Every time. Period.
Check out our range of Magic: The Gathering singles on Cardmarket.
You can find our shop with high-end singles (from Alpha onwards) and sealed product (old like Revised and new sets like Double Masters and Core Set 2021) here.
Your Three for One Trading Team